So, I just compiled and sent a friend of mine (currently in Europe for the Summer) a copy of all the fiction I've written that I like enough to consider representative of my work. It's 57 pages long, single-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman with 14-point Georgia titles and 12-point Georgia section seperations in one of the stories. It spans three years worth of short stories, from January 2003 to May 2006. It contains:
Need (currently unpublished on the intarwebs)
The Blind Bravery of Thieves
And then, on a whim, I printed myself out a copy, three-whole-punched the whole thing, and put it in a binder.
Holding it in my hands gave me chills.
-Jayson Marsh, writer extraordinaire
PS: if you'd like a copy, I have a digital back-up saved in my GMail that I could easily forward to you. Just let me know.
That is, if there's anyone who actually reads this thing.