So anyways, like I was saying earlier I've started drinking coffee in larger quantities. I used to be satisfied with one of the usual coffee mugs we have at the house, or a Starbucks "tall" (small, to you non-corporate-shills), but now I've moved up to two or three house mugs or a Starbucks "grande" (medium). It's not that I need more coffee in order to be satisfied with the experience, it's that I've gotten a higher endurance for caffeine and can enjoy the java in higher volumes without getting all shaky from overcaffeination.
I used to freak girls (and my mother) out by bending my elbows backwards. I'm a little double-jointed, so they bend a little bit past where most people stop. If I put all my weight on my hands, it's really noticeable.
I have really big veins in my arms, and can make them stick out really far with a little effort.
I dyed my hair red once. I liked it better than the blonde, but it's such a hassle. I don't know if I could be bothered to do it again, and even if I did it would only be a semi-permanent job like the last one, so that after a while it would fade out instead of creating a red line in my hair where the dye stops as the hair grows longer. It's pretty long as it is: tied back in a pony-tail it reaches to about the horizontal apex of my shoulder-blades.
I'm wearing a sweater that I've only worn once before. It's very classy.