Wednesday, January 26

18. (Stride.)

If there is one thing that truly do well, it's walking.

Yes, you read that correctly: walking.

Now, I'll admit first off that I'm ridiculously clumsy and stumble often. My legs are too short for my torso, really, so I tend to unconsciously mis-step. Or maybe that's just me making bullshit excuses and wearing my pants low on my hips, which makes my torso look longer than it is be extending the length of what is perceived to be my stomach by a good handful of inches.

Or something.

But it isn't my actual ability to walk properly that I'm writing about here, it's my ability to walk confidently. I don't just walk, I stride, hunched just slightly forward, a slight bounce in my shoulders, each step thrown forward without a second thought or fear as to where it's going to hit the ground (this could, admittedly, be why I stumble often).

It's a challenge I'm issuing now. Walk with confidence. Walk like you've got a pair, as I've instructed the drumline at least twice when walking from place to place in a group.

'Cause once you start walking with confidence, nothing can stop you. And once nothing can stop you, you can let that confidence spread to other aspects of your life.