You know what I want? A dune buggy. Not one of those little sissy-things that kids drive, a real dune buggy. I wanna just hop in my buggy and go tearing across the sands, ramping up and down the dunes, spinning in circles, jumping pits... ohhh, man. What a dream that is.
The desire, though, isn't so much for the buggy as it is for the dunes. I've got a certain... obsession with the desert. Go read Lost. That whole story just started out from a dream I had of being adrift in the desert. And from it sprouted a whole dichotomy about living in harmony in the desert and invading it... Or something of that nature.
The desert...
I don't know what it is about it. It just... draws me. A couple years ago, riding a bus to California, we went through a desert. I was awe-struck. I don't even know why. Maybe... it's the lack of everything. I've always been awed by the interactions between man and nature, but... the desert, in a way, lacks both. It's a land of emptiness (okay, not completely, but compared to--say--a forest), almost completely devoid of both nature and man. It's pure. It's pristine.
I could live in one my whole life.