You won't get the title, don't try. Of this post, I mean.
I'm hungover, by the way. I still don't like being drunk. Watching a room swing back-and-forth just isn't entertaining to me. I've come to the conclusion that I just like being in control of... well, me, and being intoxicated takes that away from me. Like... Seriously, you can get drunk people to do anything. I've done it. Some non-drinking buddies and me, a couple years ago, when I as a non-drinker still, once got a guy to wander around in a hotel looking for a non-existent girl who had a crush on him. Funny shit. In any case, me being drunk last night lead to events that I will not relate here, for the simple fact that the people I was with and I promised to not ever talk about it again (and for good reason--though, it wasn't nearly as bad as this sentence is making it out to be!). Events that Sober Jayson wouldn't have been in for. Suffice to say, I did have a good time, despite being quite dizzy and out-of-it the whole time.
I am rather angry, though. I feel, and have felt since before all the crazy and rather surreal happenings of last night happened, that my friends (I almost use 'so-called' there, but I'm not quite that angry) pretty much used me for their own entertainment, and honestly I am offended. This is why I don't like being drunk. This is why I didn't plan on drinking much when we went out last night.
Damn you, Spaghetti Warehouse. Whatever the fuck was in that shot totally led to insanity. Jaeger? Cherry Schnapps? And that was a big glass. Oi.
Oh well, you only turn 21 once. I shouldn't complain.
I said I would deny enjoying last night (while still drunk, of course), and here I am denying it. I did have a good time, despite being used. Or at least feeling used.
And, all of my emotional and psychological problems (which I haven't and won't write about here) have been totally fucking amplified. Damn it, guys, I protested for a reason.
Well, what are friends for, after all? I need a shower. I smell like smoke and dirty people and booze.